God’s grace is sufficient in Costa Rica
Sixteen adventurous souls have been on a journey to discover “God’s grace is sufficient” in Costa Rica.

We found that God’s grace is sufficient to build a house in 3 days! We worked alongside a local work team under the direction of Mario Villalta of the Aphesis Project to build a house for Gonzolo and his family in the Pavas barrio of San Jose.
A year ago, we built a similar house for Camillo. At the dedication he said, “I hope I can do something like this for someone else.” He has since given his life to the Lord, become a part of a church, and was a vital part of this year’s work team. God is good!

We found that God’s grace is sufficient to do a lot of painting at the Emanuel Evangelical Methodist Church in the Guadalupe barrio. The church is in a changing neighborhood that is becoming increasingly commercial. Pastor Fava remined us in worship that, “the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve” and that we should follow that example.
We were graced by being able to stay at the John Wesley House, meet with Bishop Luis Palomo, visit the Cartago Catholic Church, visit the Hacienda Alsacia Starbucks Coffee Plantation, eat at Ram Luna overlooking the San Jose Skyline, and tour the Hogar Methodist Children’s Home.

The members of the team which traveled Nov. 5-13, 2019 included: Trina Biehl, Mike Cornelius, Jack Ely, Helen Guilford, Laurie Jones, Linda Kunick, Cindy Liming, Aaron McFarland, Rev. Brad Olson, Amy Reif, Mike Self, Carol Self, Gary Stanforth, Jennie Thompson, Michelle Thompson, and Jill Woodward
No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, teams will be returning in June and November, 2020. Please contact Rev. Brad Olson, bgolson@aol.com, for more information.
This is a 3 min. video summary of the trip. Just click on it to view. Please feel free to use in any way that would be helpful or let me know if you would like me to send it to you.